Review: Deep Water by Sarah Epstein

Scan the YA fiction shelves at your nearest bookshop or library and here’s what you’ll see. Scores of books about lovelorn teens, brooding vampires and angsty anti-heroes pitted against alien invaders or rogue governments. There’s not a lot of mystery or suspense action going on.

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9 books for teens who love dance that are actually good

My daughter is mad for dance. Doesn’t matter if it’s ballet, jazz, contemporary or whatever … a LOT of dance goes on at our place. She also loves books. And that’s the problem, you see. Because my dance-loving daughter tells me that most books about dance and dancers are just plain rubbish.

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Stephenie Meyer is releasing a new Twilight book called Midnight Sun and we’re so Team Edward

Stephenie Meyer new Twilight book

Have you heard the news? After 12 years, Stephenie Meyer is finally releasing a new book in her stupendously popular Twilight series. And this time it’s all about vampire hottie Edward.

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Winners of the Prime Minister’s Literary Awards for 2019

Prime Minister's Literary Awards 2019 winners

A book about kids dealing with the death of a parent, a YA novel about friendship and a children’s ghost story are among the winners of the Prime Minister’s Literary Awards for 2019.

And Prime Minister Scott Morrison wants you to read them all.

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CBCA Book of the Year 2019 winners revealed!

Find a comfy chair and get ready to read, because the Children’s Book Council of Australia has just announced the winners of its Book of the Year awards for 2019!

And the prize for older readers goes to … Continue reading “CBCA Book of the Year 2019 winners revealed!”