These are the 100 best fantasy books of all time

If you like rollicking reads about dragons and dwarves or wizards and elves. If you like stories of magical adventures and mystical battles, with or without a medieval twist. If you like tales of fairies and goblins or weird talking animals. If you like marvellous epics set in intricate make-believe worlds where things aren’t always what they seem. Then do I have a book list for you.

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What to read after Harry Potter

books to read after Harry Potter

Ah, Harry Potter. You brilliant boy wizard, you. Single-handedly responsible for driving gazillions of kids to pick up a book and read. But what about when that kid has devoured all seven volumes – that’s 1,084,170 words btw – of Potter and co’s adventures? What should a kid read next after everyone graduates from Hogwarts and Voldemort finally gets what’s coming to him?

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New YA novel: Deeplight by Frances Hardinge

YA fantasy novel Deeplight by Frances Hardinge

Sometimes a book’s cover is so eye-catchingly perfect that you decide you absolutely must have a copy, even if the story inside is a little ho-hum. That’s not the case with Deeplight. Yes, the cover of Frances Hardinge’s new novel sits slap-bang in the breathtaking basket. Open it up and you’ll soon discover that Hardinge has delivered a mesmerising story to match.

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5 of the cringiest YA books you’ll ever read

It’s a great time to be alive if you’re a lover of YA lit. So many good reads, not enough hours to get lost in them! But it hasn’t always been that way.

For every brilliant YA novel like Book Thief or Between Us, you can bet there’s a bunch of Young Adult books dripping in cliched plot lines, over-dramatic characters and prose that kinda makes you want to vom. And I’ve devoured most of them.

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