16 brilliant books from female authors that you just have to read

Life really is too short to read bad books. So how do you separate the good reads from the absolute fizzers? A longlist is always a good idea. Here are 16 brilliant books that have just been shortlisted in the 2021 Women’s Prize for Fiction, so you know they’re going to be worth your while.

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These are the 100 best fantasy books of all time

If you like rollicking reads about dragons and dwarves or wizards and elves. If you like stories of magical adventures and mystical battles, with or without a medieval twist. If you like tales of fairies and goblins or weird talking animals. If you like marvellous epics set in intricate make-believe worlds where things aren’t always what they seem. Then do I have a book list for you.

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The best 7 books set in Venice (because you can’t go there right now)

best books set in Venice

Ah, Venice. Strolling your cobble-stoned streets and soaking up your history is my life’s dream. Yes, yes. I know Venice is overrun with tourists. And overpriced. And confessing you want to go there usually garners screwed up noses from people who’ve already been and are happy to tell you it’s “so overrated”.

Especially when you confess part of the dream involves sitting in St Mark’s Square, sipping some of that overpriced coffee and scribbling into a notebook. But, embarrassing life dream or not, Venice still tops the list of places I must see before I die.

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This is how your fave films would look as old books

You know what it’s like. You have a favourite book. One that you read over and over and over again. You know all the characters inside out. The way they move. The way they sound. The way they look.

And then someone turns that book into a movie. And ruins it.

Imagine if it went the other way. If someone took your favourite flick and turned it into an incredible book.

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The 7 most blood-suckingly brilliant books about vampires

What goes around, comes around, right? And not just in life. In popular culture and fiction as well. Take zombies, for example. Those brain-feeding, foot-shambling wanna-be paragons of the undead have dominated the horror genre bookshop shelves for quite a few years now.

Well, I’m calling it. Step aside, zombies, you’ve had your day in the sun. It’s time to embrace vampires again.

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These are the best Australian books of 2020

If you love your literature with a homegrown Aussie bent, then you’re going to love what I’m about to reveal. The Miles Franklin Literary Award 2020 longlist has landed. And it’s good news for lovers of Australian literature looking for their next better-than-good read.

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The books on the 2020 International Booker Prize Shortlist

Using the ongoing global coronavirus lockdown as a good excuse to log some serious reading time? Me too! Lucky for all of us, the 2020 International Booker Prize shortlist has just been announced. And suddenly, there’s an extra six books to add to all our growing TBR piles.

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