16 brilliant books from female authors that you just have to read

Life really is too short to read bad books. So how do you separate the good reads from the absolute fizzers? A longlist is always a good idea. Here are 16 brilliant books that have just been shortlisted in the 2021 Women’s Prize for Fiction, so you know they’re going to be worth your while.

The longlisted books come from a mix of new and well-known writers, including Dawn French, Ali Smith and Booker prize winner Susanna Clarke. They explore ideas of motherhood, marriage, betrayal, poverty, siblings, sexual politics, secrets, survival and a plethora of other can’t-put-it-down themes.

Head judge Bernadine Evaristo said whittling down the 2021 Women’s Prize for Fiction entries into a workable longlist was a tricky task. This year’s list showcases a range of writing styles, genres and perspectives.

Fascinating female writers

“Sadly, we had to let some very deserving books go but we’re confident that we have chosen sixteen standout novels that represent a truly wide and varied range of fiction by women that reflects multiple perspectives, narrative styles and preoccupations,” she said.

“These novels fascinated, moved, inspired and challenged us and we’re excited at announcing their inclusion on the Women’s Prize longlist.”

Take a browse through the entire list below.

The 2021 Women’s Prize for Fiction longlist

The Women’s Prize for Fiction 2021 shortlist will be announced on 28 April, 2021. A final winner will be revealed in July and I’ll be sure to keep you posted. Until then, you might like to take a look at more award longlists crammed with books worth reading.

(Image via Women’s Prize for Fiction)

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